Saturday, May 2, 2015

Avengers 2 Age of Ultron: In Depth Review (spoilers)

Caution! There will be spoilers mentioned, if you haven’t seen the movie read on at your own Risk(see what I did there)
I absolutely loved this movie. It hands down is the best in the series thus far. The opening sequence with the avengers charging into the enemy fortress was a perfect way to bring us back into the marvel world especially the slow-mo scene with them all in a line that’s one that will stick with you for sure.

The sheer number of epic action sequences was almost staggering, I kept wondering how they could possibly top each one and then they delivered with the next no more than 20 min later. However that’s not to say that this movie is nothing but a fight scene fest. Unlike the 3rd hobbit movie, Avengers 2 also sported a deep, web like plot. The constant guessing at what Ultron’s next move would be keeps you on the edge of your seat for the better half of the movie. I especially liked how they moved away from the typical three act plot and instead split it up into almost four or five acts, I found this to be a refreshing change to say the least. 

Speaking of Ultron I was impressed with the way they portrayed him, almost caught off guard even. Seeing his huge metallic body acting so…humane was strange and almost unsettling (in a good way) here you see a rogue program going down the typical iRobot kill/enslave the human race path, yet he seemed so flawed and personable that it really just seemed, off. I found this to be an enticing characteristic that kept you unsure of what motivated him or what his perspective was. Consequently you never seemed to know what move he would make next.

Yet on the flip side of that same internal hypocrisy while Ultron strives to be “a real boy” he also displayed a yet unseen trait of not caring about his body. Seeing the vessels he inhabits as nothing more than a shell he sacrifices them willingly and frequently. Driving home the point that he’s not just a man who can be simply killed. He (in his mind) has transcended the physical and couldn’t care less if one of his shells is destroyed. Ultron is one the most original villains we’ve seen in a long time

The romance between Banner and Romanov surprised me, especially seeing as there was absolutely no hint about that happening in any of the previous films. If anything I thought she would have been with Barton. Heck Natasha was wearing an arrow shaped necklace in Cap. 2. But I also thought that their beauty and the beast relationship was well done. Their on screen chemistry was spot on and I eventually found myself rooting for their relationship (once I wrapped my head around it that is) 

Now of course we have to talk about the hulk buster scene! I knew that it was going to be awesome but, OH MY GOSH that was one of the most epic scenes I have ever witnessed! I wasn't too crazy about naming the suite/ system Veronica but other than that, it was absolutely one of the best parts of the movie. The wit and action combo that made up the entire sequence kept me on the edge of my seat the whole way. When hulk got his face tenderized I don’t think a single person in the theater was able to keep themselves from scoffing out loud.

The three new Avengers were an excellent addition to the team in my opinion. While the accents were a bit wonky for me I still definitely enjoyed what the twins brought to the table. Quicksilver's speed was expertly portrayed and I’m sad that we unfortunately won’t get to see more from him in the future. The scarlet witch on the other hand was very interesting. From her burning eyes to her crooked fingers every moment she spent on screen gave you something to look for. And of course then there's the vision. Personally I never cared much for him in other renditions. But the choice to make him be born from JARVIS was excellent and it made me instantly invested in the character. I can’t wait to see what kind of role they play in the Phase 3 movies, especially since the mind gem is currently still housed in the Vision’s forehead.

Which naturally leads me to my final subject of discussion. THE INFINITY STONES! I was so glad to see that they became relevant to this story. They have been leading to the Infinity War for ages now and it looks like the confrontation with the mad titan Thanos will finally soon take place. Unfortunately we won’t be seeing that epic battle for another three years, but the fact that they acknowledged that overarching plot line was enough for me. However it is unclear if the next part in this story will be told by The Avengers or The Guardians of the Galaxy in their sequel. Either way Phase 3 is going to rock!

All in all I truly felt that this movie was an incredible success. There isn’t one thing that I would have changed with the direction that they chose to go. This is one movie that you should consider paying the extra buck for to see in 3D or IMAX if possible (you won’t be disappointed). I’m even considering going to see it a second time it was just that good. This is one happy nerd right here, I enjoyed every minute of this epic ride and eagerly await the next one.

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