The Latest installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is by far the best in the series. This is one of those movies that any fan of the genre NEEDS to see. Avengers 2 delivers on almost every level, it has amazing action scenes coupled with a compelling story that pulls you in, and makes you care about each and every character. I was concerned that with the addition of three new characters that things would start to get a bit crowded, but to my relief this was certainly not the case. Ultron proves to be an enticing villain who will likely not be forgotten anytime soon. His character brings a level of originality to the mix that I feel, has been missing recently. All in all I absolutely loved this movie and recommend you go and see it as soon as you can.
Oh and don’t bother staying till the end of the credits
everything you need to see is done by the time the screen goes black.
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